All school technology issues should be reported to the school's technology point of contact.

Memo: Email Alert!
Be aware of email attachments and their file extensions. Commonly you will have .doc/.docx, .xls/.xlsx, .ppt/.pptx or pdf. If you get an email attachment with .zip, do not open it and just delete the email. If you did open the .zip file attachment, shut down the computer immediately and call the Technology Department ASAP. Other email attachments to be aware of are .docm and .xlsm files. The 'm' stands for macro enabled file which can be harmful if intended. Best rule of thumb with email attachments, if you are not 100% sure of the email's origin and purpose and that the attachment is safe, just delete it.

Email Servers - POP3
Incoming - union.nls.k12.la.us
Outgoing - union.nls.k12.la.us